What is The Knockout Made Of?

What is The Knockout Made Of?

December 08, 2017

You may already know that the Knockout is made of food-grade silicone and stainless steel, but what exactly does that mean? And why did we choose these materials?

Food-grade silicone is a kind of silicone which is resistant to extremely high and extremely low temperatures. It can be used to make baking pans and ice cube trays. This type of silicone is durable and flexible so you don’t have to worry about it breaking. Food-grade silicone is also easy to clean and dishwasher safe.

Stainless steel is a high quality metal that is often used to make eating utensils. The stainless steel used to make The Knockout's tubes is strong and rust proof. It is resistant to high temperatures and is safe to use for smoking.

All of these factors combined make for a great product to smoke and drink with. Although silicone and stainless steel are more expensive than other materials, we chose them because we believe in making quality products. We'll drink to that!


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